Issue 3.1 of “History of Humanities” is now online.
The issue contains a highly interesting Forum section on ‘The Two Cultures’, which questions the very existence of the divide between the sciences and the humanities in two ways. On the one hand the contributions to the forum reveal shared epistemic practices, on the other hand they demonstrate that interpretations of the divide vary over time and hence have to be understood with reference to specific historical contexts and particular aims. After the Forum Rik Peels continues the debate by offering a philosophical perspective on the pursuit of epistemic values in both the sciences and the humanities. Next to this there are three papers which contribute to the study of the circulation of knowledge, one that focuses on the circulation of German linguistics in Eastern Europe, one that focuses on the role of intellectual ambassadors and one that studies the role of paratexts in history books.
Finally this issue contains no less than 16 book reviews on all aspects of the history of the humanities!
We hope you enjoy this issue!