Call for Papers and Panels
The Making of the Humanities VI
University of Oxford, Somerville College, UK
September 28-30, 2017
The sixth conference on the history of the humanities, ‘The Making of the Humanities VI’, will take place at the University of Oxford, Humanities Division and Somerville College, UK, from 28 till 30 September 2017.
Goal of the Making of the Humanities (MoH) Conferences
The MoH conferences are organized by the Society for the History of the Humanities and bring together scholars and historians interested in the history of a wide variety of disciplines, including archaeology, art history, historiography, linguistics, literary studies, media studies, musicology, and philology, tracing these fields from their earliest developments to the modern day.
We welcome panels and papers on any period or region. We are especially interested in work that transcends the history of specific humanities disciplines by comparing scholarly practices across disciplines and civilisations. Graduate students are encouraged to submit papers, which, when accepted, will compete for the annual Best Graduate Student Paper Award.
Please note that the Making of the Humanities conferences are not concerned with the history of art, the history of music or the history of literature, and so on, but instead with the history of art history, the history of musicology, the history of literary studies, etc.
Keynote Speakers
Elisabeth Décultot, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg: From an Antiquarian to an Historical Approach? The Birth of Art History in the 18th Century
Shamil Jeppie, University of Cape Town: Styles of Writing History in Timbuktu and the Sahara/Sahel
Peter Mandler, University of Cambridge: The Rise (and Fall?) of the Humanities
Paper Submissions
Abstracts of single papers (30 minutes including discussion) should contain the name of the speaker, full contact address (including email address), the title and a summary of the paper of maximally 250 words. For more information about submitting abstracts, see the submission page.
Deadline for abstracts: 15 April 2017
Notification of acceptance: June 2017
Panel Submissions
Panels last 1.5 to 2 hours and can consist of 3-4 papers and possibly a commentary on a coherent theme including discussion. Panel proposals should contain respectively the name of the chair, the names of the speakers and commentator, full contact addresses (including email addresses), the title of the panel, a short (150 words) description of the panel’s content and for each paper an abstract of maximally 250 words. For more information about submitting panels, see the submission page.
Deadline for panel proposals: 15 April 2017
Notification of acceptance: June 2017
MoH International Committee
Rens Bod (U. of Amsterdam), Christopher Celenza (JHU), Hent de Vries (JHU), Julia Kursell (U. of Amsterdam), Fenrong Liu (Tsinghua U.), Jaap Maat (U. of Amsterdam), Helen Small (U. of Oxford), Thijs Weststeijn (Utrecht U.)